Smf® Solutions

Smf 2.0.x => Upload Images => Discussion démarrée par: maximus23 le 27 Avril 2014 à 09:55:45

Titre: Translation
Posté par: maximus23 le 27 Avril 2014 à 09:55:45
For Translation :


// Max Image Management
$txt['info_center_max'] ='Image Management';
$txt['max_enable'] = 'Enable Image Management';
$txt['info_center_max_admin_only'] ='Image Management Admin Only';
$txt['max_admin_only'] = 'Admin Only';
$txt['max_directory'] = 'Image Directory';
$txt['max_directory_perso'] = 'Image Personalized Directory';
$txt['max_quick_reply'] = 'Image Management Quick Reply';
$txt['max_size'] = 'Max Size per Image';
$txt['max_width'] = 'Iframe Widht Size';
$txt['max_height'] = 'Iframe Height Size';
$txt['name_forum'] = 'Forum Name';
$txt['max_permis'] = 'Permissions';
$txt['max_imagelink'] = 'Activate BBcode Img';
$txt['max_imagelink_bbcode'] = 'Activate BBcode Links';
$txt['max_thumblink_bbcode'] = 'Activate BBcode Html';
$txt['host_management'] = 'Image Management';
$txt['max_host_it'] = 'Host it !';
$txt['upl_upl_file'] = 'Upload file - Patience during upload';
$txt['max_extention'] = 'Allowed: jpg jpeg png gif bmp';
$txt['max_control'] = 'Control Image';
$txt['max_back'] = 'Back';
$txt['max_error_upl'] = 'The picture doesn\'t have can be sent on the server.';
$txt['max_success'] = 'Upload successful';
$txt['max_another'] = 'Host another image';
$txt['permissiongroup_max_view'] = 'Image Management';
$txt['permissionname_max_view'] = 'Enable Image Management';
$txt['permissionhelp_max_view'] = 'Enable Image Management';
$txt['max_upl_file'] = 'Version 1.3';
$txt['max_resize'] = 'Resize :';
$txt['max_yes'] = 'Yes';
$txt['max_no'] = 'No';
$txt['width_pixels'] = 'Desired Width in Pixels : ';
$txt['max_size_image'] = 'Image Size : ';
$txt['max_redim_size'] = 'Resize OK !';
// End Max Image Management


required: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>&nbsp;This field is required.</p>",
image: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>Invalid file type. Only PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP and GIF formats are supported.</p>",
filesize: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>&nbsp;The file selected exceed the file size limit. Please choose another file.</p>",

Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 27 Avril 2014 à 15:26:49

Spanish Translation  :D


// Max Image Management
$txt['info_center_max'] ='Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['max_enable'] = 'Habilitar Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['info_center_max_admin_only'] ='Gestor de imagines solo para el Administrador';
$txt['max_admin_only'] = 'Solo Administradores';
$txt['max_directory'] = 'Directorio de Imagenes';
$txt['max_directory_perso'] = 'Directorio Personalizado para imágenes';
$txt['max_quick_reply'] = 'Gestor de imagines en respuesta rapida';
$txt['max_size'] = 'Tamaño maximo de imagen';
$txt['max_width'] = 'Tamaño del ancho del cuadro';
$txt['max_height'] = 'Tamaño del ancho del cuadro';
$txt['name_forum'] = 'Nombre del foro';
$txt['max_permis'] = 'Permisos';
$txt['max_imagelink'] = 'Activar BBcode Img';
$txt['max_imagelink_bbcode'] = 'Activar BBcode Links';
$txt['max_thumblink_bbcode'] = 'Activar BBcode Html';
$txt['host_management'] = 'Gestor de imagines';
$txt['max_host_it'] = 'SUBIR !';
$txt['upl_upl_file'] = 'Subir imagen - Tener paciencia durante la subida';
$txt['max_extention'] = 'Permitidos: jpg jpeg png gif bmp';
$txt['max_control'] = 'Miniatura';
$txt['max_back'] = 'Volver';
$txt['max_error_upl'] = 'Esta imagen no puede ser enviada al servidor.';
$txt['max_success'] = 'Subida Satisfactoria';
$txt['max_another'] = 'Subir otra imagen';
$txt['permissiongroup_max_view'] = 'Gestor de imagenes';
$txt['permissionname_max_view'] = 'Activar Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['permissionhelp_max_view'] = 'Habilitar Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['max_upl_file'] = 'Version 1.3';
$txt['max_resize'] = 'Redimensionar :';
$txt['max_yes'] = 'Si';
$txt['max_no'] = 'No';
$txt['width_pixels'] = 'Ancho deseado en Pixels : ';
$txt['max_size_image'] = 'Tamaño de Imagen : ';
$txt['max_redim_size'] = 'Redimensionado OK !';
// End Max Image Management

required: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>&nbsp;Campo Obligatorio.</p>",
image: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>Tipo de fichero no permitido. Solo estan permitidos PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP y GIF.</p>",   
filesize: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>&nbsp;Tamaño de fichero excedido. Por favor escoge otro fichero.</p>",

Titre: Translation
Posté par: maximus23 le 27 Avril 2014 à 16:40:18

Thank you add to the next version :)

Titre: Translation
Posté par: maximus23 le 08 Mai 2014 à 17:13:07
Translation for version 1.5 and 1.6


$txt['max_crop'] = 'Crop';
$txt['max_crop_size_w'] = 'Crop Widht OK !';
$txt['max_crop_size_h'] = 'Crop Height OK !';
$txt['max_crop_size_wh'] = 'Crop Widht and Height OK !';
$txt['max_imagetexte_ok'] = 'Add Image Text OK !';
$txt['height_pixels'] = 'Desired height in Pixels : ';
$txt['max_texte'] = 'Text';
$txt['max_imagetexte'] = 'Enter your text and its position on the picture.';
$txt['max_width_pixels'] = 'Width in Pixels';
$txt['max_height_pixels'] = 'Height in Pixels';
$txt['max_hg'] = 'Top Left';
$txt['max_hc'] = 'Top Center';
$txt['max_hd'] = 'Top Right';
$txt['max_bg'] = 'Bottom Left';
$txt['max_bc'] = 'Bottom Center';
$txt['max_bd'] = 'Bottom Right';
$txt['max_position'] = 'Position';
$txt['max_your_text'] = 'Your Text Here';
$txt['max_upl_ctrl_file'] = 'Control and Send the File';
$txt['max_back_site'] = 'Back to Site';
$txt['max_group_stop'] = 'This Group is not allowed to see this page';
$txt['max_js_stop'] = 'You must have a navigator compatible javascript to have access to send the files.';
$txt['max_adm_resize_image'] = 'Resize Images';
$txt['max_adm_crop_square_image'] = 'Crop Square Images';
$txt['max_adm_text_image'] = 'Add Text Images';

Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 08 Mai 2014 à 19:16:08
spanish translation


$txt['max_crop'] = 'Recortar';
$txt['max_crop_size_w'] = 'Ancho recortado OK !';
$txt['max_crop_size_h'] = 'Alto recortado OK !';
$txt['max_crop_size_wh'] = 'Ancho y alto recortado OK !';
$txt['max_imagetexte_ok'] = 'Añadido texto de imagen OK !';
$txt['height_pixels'] = 'Alto deseado en Pixeles : ';
$txt['max_texte'] = 'Texto';
$txt['max_imagetexte'] = 'Introduzca texto y su posicion en la imagen.';
$txt['max_width_pixels'] = 'Ancho en Pixeles';
$txt['max_height_pixels'] = 'Alto en Pixeles';
$txt['max_hg'] = 'Arriba Izquierda';
$txt['max_hc'] = 'Arriba Centrado';
$txt['max_hd'] = 'Arriba Derecha';
$txt['max_bg'] = 'Abajo izquierda';
$txt['max_bc'] = 'Abajo centrado';
$txt['max_bd'] = 'Abajo derecha';
$txt['max_position'] = 'Posicion';
$txt['max_your_text'] = 'Tu texto aqui';
$txt['max_upl_ctrl_file'] = 'Control and Send the File';
$txt['max_back_site'] = 'Volver al sitio';
$txt['max_group_stop'] = 'Este grupo no tiene permitido ver esta pagina';
$txt['max_js_stop'] = 'Debe tener un navegador compatible con javascript para poder enviar los archivos.';
$txt['max_adm_resize_image'] = 'Redimensionar imagenes';
$txt['max_adm_crop_square_image'] = 'Recortar imagenes';
$txt['max_adm_text_image'] = 'Añadir texto a imágenes';
Titre: Translation
Posté par: maximus23 le 14 Mai 2014 à 03:35:48
1.7 ad 1.8


$txt['max_resize_auto'] = 'Resize Auto';
$txt['max_adm_resize_auto_image'] = 'Auto Resize';
$txt['max_option_imagetexte'] = 'Optional Enter your text and its position on the image';
$txt['max_caractere_size'] = 'Character Size Type Gdf';
$txt['max_default_size'] = 'Size in Pixels by Default';
$txt['max_size_option1'] = 'Size in Pixels Option 1';
$txt['max_size_option2'] = 'Size in Pixels Option 2';
$txt['max_size_option3'] = 'Size in Pixels Option 3';
$txt['max_size_option4'] = 'Size in Pixels Option 4';
$txt['max_size_option5'] = 'Size in Pixels Option 5';
$txt['max_size_display_no'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> 0 To Disable</font>';
$txt['activate_truetype_font'] = 'Activate TrueType Font';
$txt['truetype_font'] = 'TrueType Name whith Extension';
$txt['truetype_size'] = 'TrueType Size in Pixels';
Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 14 Mai 2014 à 08:06:58
$txt['max_resize_auto'] = 'Auto Redimensionar';
$txt['max_adm_resize_auto_image'] = 'Auto Redimensionar';
$txt['max_option_imagetexte'] = 'Optional Enter your text and its position on the image';
$txt['max_caractere_size'] = 'Tamaño de caracteres Gdf';
$txt['max_default_size'] = 'Tamaño en pixels por defecto';
$txt['max_size_option1'] = 'Tamaño en pixels Opcion 1';
$txt['max_size_option2'] = 'Tamaño en pixels Opcion 2';
$txt['max_size_option3'] = 'Tamaño en pixels Opcion 3';
$txt['max_size_option4'] = 'Tamaño en pixels Opcion 4';
$txt['max_size_option5'] = 'Tamaño en pixels Opcion 5';
$txt['max_size_display_no'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> 0  Para deshabilitar</font>';
$txt['activate_truetype_font'] = 'Activar fuente TrueType';
$txt['truetype_font'] = 'Nombre TrueType con Extension';$txt['truetype_size'] = 'Tamaño TrueType en Pixels';
Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 14 Mai 2014 à 08:08:34
v2 better translation


$txt['max_crop'] = 'Recortar';
$txt['max_crop_size_w'] = 'Ancho recortado OK !';
$txt['max_crop_size_h'] = 'Alto recortado OK !';
$txt['max_crop_size_wh'] = 'Ancho y alto recortado OK !';
$txt['max_imagetexte_ok'] = 'Añadido texto de imagen OK !';
$txt['height_pixels'] = 'Alto deseado en Pixeles : ';
$txt['max_texte'] = 'Texto';
$txt['max_imagetexte'] = 'Introduzca texto y su posicion en la imagen.';
$txt['max_width_pixels'] = 'Ancho en Pixeles';
$txt['max_height_pixels'] = 'Alto en Pixeles';
$txt['max_hg'] = 'Arriba Izquierda';
$txt['max_hc'] = 'Arriba Centrado';
$txt['max_hd'] = 'Arriba Derecha';
$txt['max_bg'] = 'Abajo izquierda';
$txt['max_bc'] = 'Abajo centrado';
$txt['max_bd'] = 'Abajo derecha';
$txt['max_position'] = 'Posicion';
$txt['max_your_text'] = 'Tu texto aqui';
$txt['max_upl_ctrl_file'] = 'Subiendo fichero, tened paciencia';
$txt['max_back_site'] = 'Volver al sitio';
$txt['max_group_stop'] = 'Este grupo no tiene permitido ver esta pagina';
$txt['max_js_stop'] = 'Debe tener un navegador compatible con javascript para poder enviar los archivos.';
$txt['max_adm_resize_image'] = 'Redimensionar imagenes';
$txt['max_adm_crop_square_image'] = 'Recortar imagenes';
$txt['max_adm_text_image'] = 'Añadir texto a imágenes';
Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 14 Mai 2014 à 08:09:52
v2 revision


$txt['info_center_max'] ='Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['max_enable'] = 'Habilitar Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['info_center_max_admin_only'] ='Gestor de imagenes solo para el Administrador';
$txt['max_admin_only'] = 'Solo Administradores';
$txt['max_directory'] = 'Directorio de Imagenes';
$txt['max_directory_perso'] = 'Directorio Personalizado para imágenes';
$txt['max_quick_reply'] = 'Gestor de imagines en respuesta rapida';
$txt['max_size'] = 'Tamaño maximo de imagen';
$txt['max_width'] = 'Tamaño del ancho del cuadro';
$txt['max_height'] = 'Tamaño del ancho del cuadro';
$txt['name_forum'] = 'Nombre del foro';
$txt['max_permis'] = 'Permisos';
$txt['max_imagelink'] = 'Activar BBcode Img';
$txt['max_imagelink_bbcode'] = 'Activar BBcode Links';
$txt['max_thumblink_bbcode'] = 'Activar BBcode Html';
$txt['host_management'] = 'Gestor de imagenes';
$txt['max_host_it'] = 'SUBIR !';
$txt['upl_upl_file'] = 'Subir imagen - Tener paciencia durante la subida';
$txt['max_extention'] = 'Permitidos: jpg jpeg png gif bmp';
$txt['max_control'] = 'Miniatura';
$txt['max_back'] = 'Volver';
$txt['max_error_upl'] = 'Esta imagen no puede ser enviada al servidor.';
$txt['max_success'] = 'Subida Satisfactoria';
$txt['max_another'] = 'Subir otra imagen';
$txt['permissiongroup_max_view'] = 'Gestor de imagenes';
$txt['permissionname_max_view'] = 'Activar Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['permissionhelp_max_view'] = 'Habilitar Gestor de Imagenes';
$txt['max_upl_file'] = 'Version 1.3';
$txt['max_resize'] = 'Redimensionar :';
$txt['max_yes'] = 'Si';
$txt['max_no'] = 'No';
$txt['width_pixels'] = 'Ancho deseado en Pixels : ';
$txt['max_size_image'] = 'Tamaño de Imagen : ';
$txt['max_redim_size'] = 'Redimensionado OK !';
// End Max Image Management

required: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>&nbsp;Campo Obligatorio.</p>",
image: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>Tipo de fichero no permitido. Solo estan permitidos PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP y GIF.</p>",   
filesize: "<p style=\'color:#f00;background:#fcc;border:solid 1px #f00;font-size:9px;\'>&nbsp;Tamaño de fichero excedido. Por favor escoge otro fichero.</p>",

Titre: Translation
Posté par: maximus23 le 14 Mai 2014 à 14:03:11

$txt['max_option_imagetexte'] = 'Optional Enter your text and its position on the image';

Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 14 Mai 2014 à 19:21:24
$txt['max_option_imagetexte'] = 'Opcionalmente introduce el texto y la posicion en la imagen';
Titre: Translation
Posté par: maximus23 le 29 Mai 2014 à 20:13:01
Translation 2/2.1


$txt['max_option_imagetexte_manuel'] = 'Optional Enter your Text Position and the Size';
$txt['max_resize_police_manuel'] ='Size';
$txt['max_disable'] = 'Disable';
$txt['max_number_id'] = 'By Number Id';
$txt['max_name_id'] =  'By Name and Number Id';
$txt['max_global_size'] = 'Global Size Limit in Pixels';
$txt['max_global_size_disable'] ='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> 0 To Disable</font>';
$txt['max_truetype_size_manuel'] ='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> 0 To Manuel Size</font>';
$txt['max_number_images_per_post'] = 'Images Allowed Per Post';
$txt['max_images_per_post'] = 'Maximum Images Allowed Per Post';
$txt['max_disable_images_per_post'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> -1 To Disable</font>';
$txt['max_images_note'] = 'Default: -1';
$txt['error_too_many_images'] = 'Sorry, but you have posted too many images at one time.  Please remove some and try again.';
Titre: Translation
Posté par: foropimiento le 30 Mai 2014 à 09:00:02
sorry for delay, I have internet problems in home


$txt['max_option_imagetexte_manuel'] = 'Opcional: Introduce la posicion del texto y el tamaño';
$txt['max_resize_police_manuel'] ='Tamaño';
$txt['max_disable'] = 'Deshabilitado';
$txt['max_number_id'] = 'Por Numero Id';
$txt['max_name_id'] =  'Por Nombre y Numero Id';
$txt['max_global_size'] = 'Limite de tamaño en pixels';
$txt['max_global_size_disable'] ='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> 0 para deshabilitado</font>';
$txt['max_truetype_size_manuel'] ='&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> 0 para tamaño manual</font>';
$txt['max_number_images_per_post'] = 'Imagenes permitidas Por Post';
$txt['max_images_per_post'] = 'Maximas Imagenes Permitidas Por Post';
$txt['max_disable_images_per_post'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="red"> -1 para Inhabilitar</font>';
$txt['max_images_note'] = 'Por defecto: -1';
$txt['error_too_many_images'] = 'Lo siento, has subido demasiadas imagenes al mismo tiempo.  Por favor, borra algunas y prueba otra vez.';